Dan riding a fake bike

Solid Sky: Root-Motion Animation Controller

This project is an experiment with designing a fully functional player controller and enemy AI using root-motion instead of translation or forces to move characters around the environment.
This particular video shows a control system that is compatible with XBox, Playstation and/or keyboard & mouse controllers. The footage briefly shows some animations associated with the player character while eluding to the fact that the animation and character controllers are quite robust including Idles, Starts, Stops, Walks, Runs, Jumps and other various animations designed to respond to analog controller inputs.

The Animations themselves are selected from the MOBILITY PRO: Mocap Animation Pack asset available on the Unity Asset Store from the developers at MOCAP Online. The design, implementation, blending, animation controller, character controller and all its programming are my personal work.

Solid Sky: Combat Controller

Solid Sky implements a player combat mode of which the player can toggle into at any time. It is complete with its own unique analog control system independent of the normal movement mode.

The player character has full control of a functional, chainable attack system. There are literally dozens of attack combos classified by light, medium and heavy attack strings. Additionally, there are special moves and combo finishers such as the lunge kick, super kick, super punch, etc.

The Animations themselves are selected from the Fighting Animset Pro asset available on the Unity Asset Store from the developer Kobold. The design, implementation, blending, animation controller, character controller and all its programming are my personal work.

Solid Sky: Camera System

This camera system is designed to smoothly follow a target while remaining highly reactive even when moving at high speeds. This system uses raycasting to detect the environment and translate that data into lerp/slerp movements for smooth motion and rotations oriented around tracking its target. The result is the elimination of the usual rigidity of a hinged camera that is statically placed to "stare" at its target unflinchingly.

Solid Sky: AI Behavior and Pathfinding

This showcases NPC AI in Solid Sky by highlighting its pathfinding and line of sight player awareness. This AI can track a target, in this case the player, over almost any terrain as long as it isn't too steep and a logical path to its target actually exists. Additionally, the AI will transition to a combat stance and circle the player occasionally attacking using a variety of different attack combos. Currently the players character animations do not include impact recoils when hit however the AI's attacks that do hit are registered in code and corresponding placeholder animation calls are made upon impact for a later implementation of these animations.

VR Hammerspace: Neon Sun

Hammerspace: Neon Sun is a VR implementation of the modified Voxeland game asset, a voxel-based terrain system with a destructible mesh. In other words, you can carve into the terrain or do the opposite by building onto it. The project is functional on both the Vive and the Oculus Rift.

VR Hammerspace: Voxel Mining

Hammerspace utilizes deformable voxel terrain used specifically to give the player the ability to dig/mine into the terrain in real-time using VR.

Voxeland is an asset available on the Unity Asset Store developed by Denis Pahunov. The design, implimentation, VR attributions and functional programming are all my personal works.

VR Hammerspace: Interactable Physics Driven Animations

Hammerspace uses Puppetmaster a physics driven animation system created by the developer Root-Motion. Unlike standard animation systems that have no real/physical interaction with the environment, animations in Hammerspace will react to any and every collision by taking each objects mass into account and applying the appropriate reactionary force. In other words, if you hit a character in its leg, it will stumble without needing preprogrammed animations.

The design, implimentation, animations, character models, VR attributions and functional programming are all my personal works.

Algorithm VR: Staff Combat

Algorithm VR is built around the concept of Shadowrun or Cyberpunk styled hacking however instead of the usual, puzzles and turn based rollout you see in most games, Algorithm simulates a player "jacking-in" to the cyber world where everything takes place in real-time physics-based combat. Ultimately Algorithm proved to be a proof-of-concept VR based combat system for use with the Vive and the Oculus Rift. Algorithm currently has 6 functional weapons: Staff, Sword, Shield, Axe and two different projectile weapons. The player is also able to interact with the AI by means of physical interactions such as grabbing, pushing, punching, etc. Keep in mind this is still a prototype in an early state of development and it remains a work in progress.

This particular video is designed to show off combat with the staff weapon.

Algorithm VR: Projectile Combat

Here you can see more combat footage of Algorithm VR. This video is designed to show off projectile based combat.

Algorithm VR: Ragdolls

This video is designed to show off the players interactions with an enemy ragdoll.

VR Interaction: Lock and Key

This personal design is a VR system intended to showcase a mechanism that is capable of determining whether a specific objects paired "key" is A: the correct one, and B: in the correct orientation. For example a key to a specific lock facing the right way when inserted into the keyhole or a key card into a card reader. This systems uses go beyond just a lock and a key interaction. With the use of developer creativity it is adaptable to other versatile functions.

Character Controller: In-Place Animations

This is the prototype for a game controller that works with both PC and console analog gaming controllers. It is capable of transitioning dynamically between each control scheme without having to open an options menu. Additionally, the project has a character model created, rigged and animated by myself using Blender. Last but not least, the player character has built in head tracking designed to allow the character to look in the direction the camera is facing.


Sphoid is a physics driven adventure and exploration game that is controlled by mouse and keyboard as well as console game controllers. The player uses a spherical vehicle about the size of a truck to traverse the environment by rolling around at high speeds. It currently has a few abilities such as the ability to temporarily fly and forcefully impact the ground causing objects to launch into the air. This is currently a prototype lacking polish and remains a work in progress.

Sphoid: Physics Based Self Driving Car

The physics based self driving car showcases AI controlling a vehicle around a simple obstacle course while attempting to reach its moving target. The vehicle detects the environment in real-time making wheel torque and steering angle adjustments in order to reach its dynamic destination. This means it will actively avoid collision while tracking and attempting to reach a moving target.

Frozen Deep: Showcase & Control Systems

Frozen Deep is an underwater physics game taking place at the bottom of the ocean. In the game, the ocean surface has frozen over and only the deepest parts of the ocean are still liquid. The player’s goal is to reverse the ice age by discovering ancient technology designed to warm the ocean naturally melting the ice.

Frozen Deeps control systems include driving the mother sub, the skipper sub or swimming around as the player. The player can freely enter and control both vehicles and the skipper sub can dock with the mother sub via the rear hangar. Frozen Deep’s camera system can follow and tracking targets as well be remote controlled like a drone to freely explore the environment under the player’s control. All of the systems described are fully functional using physics as force based propulsion.

Frozen Deep: 3D A* Pathfinding

Frozen Deep uses 3D A* pathfinding to issue waypoints to multiple agents simultaneously. The system is capable of issuing master waypoints acting as global targets or allowing each agent to find its own path individually.

Frozen Deep: Scanning

The scanning system built into Frozen deep allows the player to target an object, scan it, and return various information about the object scanned. Currently all items and NPC characters are generated using random parameters to showcase the potential for procedural generation.

Frozen Deep: Controller Options

System control options for Frozen Deep are dynamically modifiable allowing real-time changes to controller schemes during runtime. The player can choose from a host of different configurations such as inverted controls or toggling between button assignments for strafe and roll.